Relato de experiência do Estágio-Visita de Curta Duração na Câmara dos Deputados - Brasília: Edição Comemorativa dos 35 anos da Constituição de 1988.
Visit Internship, Chamber of Deputies (DF)., Political literacy, Competence in political information, Information ScienceAbstract
An experience report is made about participating in the 1st edition of the Internship-Visit at the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília, in 2023. The internship program was designed to discuss the topic: Constitution - achievements and future challenges. This edition raised the question of history and memory about the National Constituent Assembly of 1988, popular participation, the Democratic State of Law (principles and values) and the understanding of the historicity and legitimacy of the Brazilian Constitution and the guar-antee of its permanence for civil society. The objective of the work is to report the Intern-ship-Visit experience and show how this activity approaches studies in the area of Information Science, specifically those that discuss political literacy and information competence in the legislature, aspects covered in this report. The record of the report in question is based on a literature review, bibliographic and documentary research, of an analytical, critical and explanatory nature. The theoretical part is divided into three axes: education for citizenship; political literacy; and competence in political information. Re-search and searches were carried out in documentary sources on various institutional websites and digital platforms on the topic of Internship-Visit at the Chamber of Depu-ties. The production of this text aims to publicize the Visit Internship as an opportunity to observe how the Brazilian Parliament works, especially for researchers whose research theme is the National Congress, in addition to opening new fields for the study of legisla-tive information, skills political information and combating disinformation.